As a 501c3 Nonprofit Theatre, The Bard's Town Theatre is ALWAYS in need of assistance from good people (just like you...hint hint).
From box office help to ushering, set design to building, and on and on, we are always looking for people willing to help.
The Bard's Town Theatre is also currently accepting applications for its Board of Directors. Interested? Email a note of introduction and a resume to
When emailing, PLEASE make your subject line VOLUNTEERING, and let us know what specific areas you think you could be most beneficial. Artistic Director Doug Schutte receives roughly 150-200 emails daily, so if you don't hear back within one week, please reach back out! Even if we somehow had more help than we could use (which is impossible), we would still send you a thank you note for your if you haven't heard from us, your note may have gotten buried in the crazy. Again, thank you!